Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Scammer's Busted: Be Aware of these Online Scammers

More and more scamming incidents have been spreading all over facebook's online community. The idea of shopping with just one click has got everyone hooked. Who wouldn't?!

Now before you go closing a deal with these buyers, make sure to check their credibility... and... their record.

Scammer's Busted

-is an online site which is a mirror of case files filed within a group called "Scammer Busters". (<<---feel free to report scamming experiences if you have one.)

The Scammer's Busted blog contains list of known and reported scammers, including the numbers (GCASH) used to scam their clients. It's only aim is to inform everyone on the web about these names and the incidents. Hoping that the next time you search their name online, you'll instantly find out that their on the scammer's list.

A tip of advise though: Most of these scammers use mobile network money/wallet (ie. GCASH, SMart Padala), or money transfers (LBC, MLhuiller, Cebuana, etc.)... whom doesn't require too many valid id's to withdraw from. That's why they can easily get away with it without a trace.

So, make sure that you transact most preferably via Bank to Bank deposits. It's more secured, and the banks could easily provide you personal details upon legal request.

Let's all aim for a safer online community. Thanks and take care!

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